
World class law teaching and legal training

I find inspiration and nourish my love for the theory and practice of international contracts & arbitration in my interaction with talented graduate and postgraduate students from all over the world.

I am a tenured professor of law at Universidad Panamericana in Mexico since 2014 and I have held appointments as visiting professor and scholar in renowned universitites incluing Columbia University in New York, University of Turin in Italy, the University of Montreal and McGill University in Quebec. In the past, I was research associate at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva, Basel University and at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland.


My academic activities cross-fertilize my practice as arbitrator with state of the art knowledge and soft legal skills, which are essential to succeed in multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary dispute resolution environments.

I am a member of the prestigious Advisory Council for the UN Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods (CISG).

I am the current Correspondent in Mexico of UNIDROIT.

I believe that legal theory should always be at the service of efficient and effective legal practice. 

I obtained  graduate law degrees from Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico and Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III) in France. I also hold master of laws degrees from the University of Liverpool in England and the University of California Berkeley in the United States. My PhD (Doctor of Laws) summa cum laude is from Basel University in Switzerland.

I am a member of Mexico’s National Researchers System SNI-CONACYT with a Level II.